Pre-Thanksgiving Service opprotunity

Posted: November 6, 2013 in Uncategorized

Redemption Church is partnering with All Things Baby to provide a Thanksgiving meal for families in the area between Edmond Rd and Hurd, and from Kelly to Fretz (by Chitwood Park).


We need a total of 16 volunteers to divide into groups of two and personally invite the families in this area to the Thanksgiving event on November 27th.

We’ll meet at the offices for All Things Baby at 9:30am, where we will be provided with invite cards, talking points to share with residents, and any other basic details. 

There are 4 streets in the area. Each street will have 4 people, groups of two. I’m expecting all of the groups to finish up between 11am and noon.


Courtney Gregg and All Things Baby have been ministering to this area for more than 6 years, and knows first-hand that many of these residents will not have a Thanksgiving meal like most are accustomed to. The heart behind this event is to simply have a family thanksgiving meal with those who often do without. 

I’m excited about this opportunity and for the conversations and life-change that could follow! The door-to-door invite event this Saturday is really important to help get the word out for the actual Thanksgiving event.


If you can help, please indicate here as soon as you can so I can let Courtney know how many volunteers to expect from Redemption Church. 


Redemption Leadership

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