Enjoy! This is my cousin, hes a discipleship wizard and phenomenal teacher!

I have begun reading ” Introducing the Missional Church. What it is, Why it matters, How to become one.” Its an interesting thing for me because this is an entirely new was of labeling church. I had always called this meeting people where they were, not judging them and meeting needs the way Christ did! I was raised in a church that did this very well in a different time, but as the neighborhood changed around the church the church stayed the same. Stoic, proud, stationary, and who can blame them! For years and years the church worked like a well oiled machine this way. Where people came in the front door, went through the religious spin cycle of being ministered to by a spiritual person that they have very little actual contact with and came out all squeaky clean.

Churches for years have been based on formulas designed to get people to come to church. This isn’t an inherently bad thing except for the fact that an entire generation of people lost touch with how to share their own faith and how to spiritually connect with people face to face. When people ask me what kind of church RedemptionOKC is, I tell them missional! Well, what exactly is a missional church? The best way I can tell you is this, its a church for people. All people. Christians and sinners, which by the way can be the same thing! We are a church for the people by the people. No one at RedemptionOKC is perfect or has all the answers. Its the kinda place where no one will lie to you. It’s authentic.

With that being said, there is no real model for how we do things. Formulas for creating missional churches are simply nonexistent due to the fact that a body of believers has to have their finger on the pulse of the community they are rooted in, the neighborhoods where its member live, work, play, and do life together. If we compare missional churches then we are missing the point because no two missional churches are the same. Missional churches are not about the church. Many churches try to have an attractional appeal to them but that shouldn’t be out key focus. Matt Chandler is quoted saying that his church, The Village Church, meets in a really nice Albertson’s because its not about spending money on the building. Churches should be out among the people living together and experiencing life together.

As you go through life look for ways to just be friendly and show the love and joy of Christ to everyone! If you would like more information about my church please visit us at http://www.redemptionokc.com there you can find our story, our ideals and see what our plan is for reaching Edmond, Oklahoma City, and the entire state of Oklahoma!

WADE *|||||||*